Title | Description |
Room Rent Limit | No Limit |
ICU Daily Rent Limit | No Limit |
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses | 60 Days |
Post Hospitalization Expenses | 90 Days |
Minimum Hospitalization Period | 24 Hrs |
Day Care Procedure Coverage | 150 procedures covered. |
Additional Cover for Critical Illness | By paying extra premium, Critical Illness cover of ` 5,00,000 / ` 10,00,000 (as per the plan opted Silver/Gold |
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured | For plans with deductible of ?3 lakhs and above 100% reset available |
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage | After 2 years. |
Waiting Period for New Policy | 30 Days |
Co-Payment | 20% for above 65 yrs |
Medical Screening | More than 45 Years of age |
Free Health Checkup | Yes, Annually |
Ambulance Expenses | 1% of SI, max. upto Rs.5000 |
Non-Allopathic Treatments | Yes |
Daily Hospitalization Allowance | By paying extra premium, Allowance of ` 1,000/ ` 3,000 per day (as per the plan opted Silver/Gold) |
Donor Expenses | Hospitalisation expenses, as incurred by the organ donor for undergoing organ transplant surgery for insured's use, are covered up to sum insured |
Nursing Allowance | Yes |
No Claim Bonus | 10%, upto max.50% |