Pro Health Floater
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Pro Health, a smart plan with more covers and added benefits to secure you completely. Its a Plan which goes the extra distance to assure your physical,emotional and financial well being.


  • World wide emergency cover upto Sum insured once in a policy year.
  • Reward points equal to 1% of premium paid each year.
  • Additional Non reducing Cumulative bonus.
  • Option to remove mandatory Co pay for insured Person aged 65 yrs & above.
  • Tax Benefit U/S 80D of income Tax act.
  • Various discounts to save premium upto 30%.
  • A Period of 15 days to cancel the policy with Full refund.
Title Description
Room Rent Limit Expenses Actually incurred
ICU Daily Rent Limit Actual charges
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 90/180 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage 500+ Procedures covered
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured Available multiple times in a policy year
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage 24/36/48 Months, as per the Plan
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days
Co-Payment 10% to 20%
Free Health Checkup Yes, Once at each policy year/ Once every 3rd policy year
Ambulance Expenses Upto 2000, max.3000
Non-Allopathic Treatments In hospital treatments covered upto full Sum Insured
New Born Baby Cover Covered upto Limit under maternity expenses.
Donor Expenses Covered, Upto sum insured
No Claim Bonus Guaranteed increase in sum insured by 5% or 10%. Max upto 200% irrespective of claim as per plan.