Title | Description |
Ambulance Expenses | Covered (Actuals) |
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured | Available once in a policy year (does not cover same illness/cardiac ailments/ modern treatments) |
Co-Payment | Not applicable |
Day Care Procedure Coverage | All daycareproceduresarecovered(Actuals)(Note:Sub-limitsapplicableonlyforCataracttreatment) |
Donor Expenses | Heart Transplantation expenses Covered up to 200% of the Sum Insured (ExpensesincludingharvestingandtransportationofHeartbyAirand/orRoadarecovered) |
Free Health Checkup | For SI 5 lac and 7.5 lac Rs 2000 and For SI 10 Lac Rs 3000 and SI 15 Lac Rs 4000 availableaftereverypolicy year |
ICU Daily Rent Limit | Covered (Actuals) |
Medical Screening | Not Required. ECHO,ECG (taken within 6months),Consultation andall medical records related totheintervention/ surgery/ medical management should be submitted at the time of proposal |
Minimum Hospitalization Period | 24 hours |
No Claim Bonus | 10%ofthesuminsuredforeachclaim freeyearandmaximumupto100%of thesum insured |
Post Hospitalization Expenses | 60 days Actual |
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage | Covered after 4 years |
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses | 30 days Actual |
Room Rent Limit | Single Private AC Room (Actuals) |
Waiting Period for New Policy | 30 days for all illnesses (except for accidents) |